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Freycinet Challenge at Coles Bay in Tasmania

Heyday Medical

Courtney Dixon
Toorak, VIC

Team Heyday Medical comprises a competitive and surprisingly talented group of men in their early 40s who have had previously illustrious sporting careers. Spiritual leader, Grant “Good Times” Austin, will bring some serious wattage to the sea kayak leg, while the broad-shouldered work horse, Nick MacLeod will be a force to be reckoned with on the run. With serious technical skills honed over the years on the illegal mountain bike tracks of Mt Wellington, Alastair MacLeod will be one to watch on the mountain bike, while mountain goat, Courtney Dixon, was hoping for a bit more vert on the road bike leg, to show what he is capable of. All in all, team Heyday Medical will likely perform better at the bar on Saturday night than they will in the Challenge, but there’s always next year!!!

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