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Freycinet Challenge at Coles Bay in Tasmania

Race Highlights & Results

7-8 October 2023

9 months ago
Male Australian Multi-sport Champions (from left) 2nd: Robbie Hunt, 1st: Alex Hunt, 3rd: Kaine Cannan
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Here are the male Australian Multi-sport Champions for 2023.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Female Australian Multi-sport Champions (from left) 2nd: Alison Van Dongen, 1st: Maggie Lennox, 3rd: Sorcha Flett
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Here are the female Australian Multi-sport Champions for 2023.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Solo Open Male, 2-day Race Winners (from left) 2nd: Robbie Hunt, 1st: Alex Hunt, 3rd: Kaine Cannan
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Solo Open Female, 2-day Race Winners (from left) 2nd: Alison Van Dongen, 1st: Maggie Lennox, 3rd: Sarah Cook
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Solo Veterans Male, 2-day Race Winners (from left) 2nd: Andrew Buckley, 1st: Ian Parker, 3rd: Michael Faustmann
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Solo Veterans Female, 2-day Race Winner: Sorcha Flett
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
4 Person Junior Female Team, 2-day Race Winners: The Race-in-ays
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
4 Person Veterans Mixed Team, 2-day Race Winners: The Palookas
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
4 Person Veterans Female Team, 2-day Race Winners: The Running Edge G
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
4 Person Veterans Male Team, 2-day Race Winners: The Running Edge
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
4 Person Open Male Team, 2-day Race Winners: Chop Squad
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
4 Person Open Mixed Team, 2-day Race Winners: Next Level Kayaking
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
4 Person Open Female Team, 2-day Race Winners: Iron Maidens
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
2 Person Open Male Team, 2-day Race Winners: JMG Green
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
2 Person Open Female Team, 2-day Race Winners: Wild Wombat Women
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
2 Person Open Mixed Team, 2-day Race Winners: Fish Outta Water
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
4 Person Open Male Team, 1-day Race Winners: Mind Games
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
The Mayor of the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council, Cheryl Arnol, congratulating the athletes at the Awards Ceremony.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
There's a trophy for every winning athlete in every category. Let the Awards Ceremony begin!
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Time to put your feet up boys. What a phenomenal effort!
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Kaine Cannan and Robbie Hunt at the finish line.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Kaine Cannan crosses the line in 3rd place of the 2-day Solo race.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Robbie Hunt crosses the line in 2nd place of the 2-day Solo race.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Congratulations Alex Hunt. You are the Australian Multi-sport Champion for 2023.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
How was that time mate? On pace with previous years?
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Alex Hunt crosses the line in 1st place of the 2-day Solo race for the 8th year in a row!
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Alex Hunt about to cross the finish line in 1st place, with his young daughter watching on.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Kaine Cannan on the final stage of the Solo race, in 3rd place.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Robbie Hunt on the final stage of the Solo race, in 2nd place.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Alex Hunt on the final stage of the Solo race, in the lead. Just 10kms to go!
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Maggie Lennox in the lead on the final stage of the Solo race. Just 10kms to go!
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Tom Goddard and Christopher Sullivan at the finish line, after completing Stage 8.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Tom Goddard from the "Chop Squad" team is the second athlete to cross the finish line.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Christopher Sullivan from the "Next Level Kayaking" team is the first athlete to cross the finish line.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
The first runner making their way to the finish line on Stage 8.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Tim Harmsen hurtling towards the end of Stage 7.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
A Junior athlete approaching the traffic control point on Stage 7.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Simon "total legend" Easy making it look easy on Stage 7 of the Solo race.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
There they go... off into the bush on another adventure.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Jordan Green starting stage 7 of the Solo race.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Jordan Green finishing Stage 6 of the Solo race.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
"All clear boys." Go go go!
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Robbie Hunt starting Stage 7 of the Solo race.
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
While the road bikes were coming in, the mountain bikes got underway. It kept SES traffic control very busy!
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Practically flying in!
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Surely the full aero kit helped gain some speed. Right?
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
You're only a few minutes behind Robbie. Com' on!
Photo: Mark Howell
9 months ago
Alex Hunt on approach to the finish of Stage 6, in the lead of the Solo race.
Photo: Mark Howell
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